Lesson 1: 3 Tips to Enhance your Video Skills

1. Steady Your Video

Without a tripod your videos can get jumbled very easily. If you’re shooting a video and you don’t have a tripod, try using an everyday object to set your camera on in order to steady your hand, or find a way to support your arms in order to get a better shot. This will create a much smoother and visually-appealing video.

2. Capture Both Vertical & Horizontal Footage

It’s a good idea, to capture a variety of vertical and horizontal video clips for different uses. Vertical video can be a huge engagement tool for Instagram & Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, TikTok and more. Other avenues of posting will be better suited for horizontal video, so always have a variety. 

3. Keep it Short & Sweet

Try to keep the videos you shoot and publish short. Ideally, they will fall under 1 minute and be either 15, 30 or 60 seconds long. The average attention span of a human-being has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013.This is one second less than the attention span of a goldfish!